Enrolment Details & Fees
学生注册(Student Registration)
开学学生班级确定好之后,请填写好学校邮件发出的学生注册登记表 (Word或PDF文档),拿回孩子当地学校签字盖章,并将表格交给所在班级的老师或者发到学校邮箱 admin@canberrachineseschool.net
无法网上注册的家长, 在开学当天到学校注册也可以。
学费(School fees)
中文学费每学期100澳元,马立平中文教材每套$101 。学校收费全部实行电子转账方式, 学费每两个学期付一次。学费或书费发票会发邮件给家长 (请家长注意检查垃圾邮箱),家长收到后备注发票号转账付款。
兴趣班每课时$12;三个校区都有画画班,Gungahlin Campus另设有儿童中国民族舞蹈班(孩子必须参加华夏舞蹈队)和成人舞蹈班。
$100 per term for Chinese class, other class $12 per class; Ma LiPing textbook $101 per set.
Two terms (one semester) school fee is required by online transfer before the due date on the invoice. Invoice will be sent to parents' email address in the 2nd or 3rd week of the term 1 or term 3. Please transfer the payment online quoting the invoice number before the due date.
我们会为没有课本的学生订购马立平中文教材。教材从美国进口, 团购的教材目前为每套$101(含邮费),我们将教材原价卖给家长。教材数量有限,仅提供给本校学生。如果你对教材有什么问题, 请联系丛长欣老师。
We will purchase Ma Liping textbooks for our students.
These textbooks are imported from the US. The price of a set of textbook is $101. The price is set by the Australian supplier and our School does not make any profit from selling these books.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.