School holiday program in April 2021
School Holiday Program time: 9am to 5pm, Monday 12 to Thursday 15 April 2021.
Program venue: POD 3, Palmerston District Primary School, Kosciuszko Ave Palmerston.
Fee: $65 per day or $260 for four days. The fee covers art material and fruit.
Form submission time: by Sunday 28 March.
Please fill in and send the booking form to admin@canberrachineseschool.net
1. 由于疫情反复,为了学生和老师的健康着想,校委会经过谨慎讨论重新决定2020年第三学期继续上网课。
Our school moved to remote learning quickly as a result of the COVD-19 pandemic. The return to face-to-face learning had been carefully considered by the School Committee, and it was initially decided that our school would go back to face-to-face teaching in Term 3. However there have been new confirmed cases in Canberra so the School committee made the difficult decision to continue the online Zoom classes for Term 3, for the health and safety of our students and teachers.
2. 学校已经多次对老师进行网课培训,老师网课准备充分,学习效果不错,欢迎所有学生参加网课。
Our online classes are well prepared and presented by our dedicated teachers who have been undertaking regular Zoom trainings. We are thrilled to see many positive feedback about our Zoom courses, and would like to encourage all students to take the opportunity to continue their Chinese learning.
3. 由于受疫情和学校关闭影响,堪培拉政府决定今年不收学生登记表了。所以家长也不用交表了。感谢已经填写学生登记表的家长。
There's a good news that the ACT government has agreed that no enrollment form is required for this year due to people facing the health risks and restrictions. For those who already prepared the enrollment form, we thank you for your efforts and support.
Updated 2020 School Calendar
Included one make-up lesson for Term 1 :
30 May for Bruce and Woden Campuses
31 May for Gungahlin Campus
经过两个星期的紧张筹备和培训,华夏中文学校网课终于闪亮登场了。 这是三年级Amy老师在上课。我们每一位老师都很认真,每一位学生都很棒,每一位家长都很支持。 疫情带来灾难,也带来机遇和挑战。 希望华夏中文和我们华夏人,都能浴火重生! 欢迎随时参加我们的中文网课,什么时候也不晚。
在电脑或者平板电脑里下载Zoom客户端。老师会在网课前告诉您会议号(meeting ID),在Zoom客户端输入会议号加入网课。
We are glad to inform you that our online Chinese classes with Zoom are ready for students during this weekend (March 28 & 29) and next weekend (April 4 & 5) in Canberra Chinese School. Following that is the school holiday. In the next term, for the well-being of our students, we will continue to use online Chinese class for student’s Chinese learning until concerns over the Coronavirus is gone. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
The class time for students from Bruce campus and Woden campus remain the same as before. However the class time for students from Gungahlin campus is changed to 10:00-12:00 on Sundays, unless your class teacher notify you differently. In order to achieve a better learning outcomes, we suggest you source the following learning equipment before your child/children's class.
A computer or tablet with a built-in camera or an external camera. Camera is a must so that teacher will see your child/children in the online class. Cell phone is not suggested because the screen is too small and it causes harm to children’s eyes after a long time's use.
A headphone is suggested so that your child/children can be heard well.
Download Zoom in your computer or tablet. You will be provided a meeting ID by class teacher to join the online Chinese class.
We are looking forward to seeing every child in our online Chinese class and wish they have a fun and fruitful learning journey with our teachers.
URGENT NOTICE - Canberra Chinese School Closure/ 紧急通知:华夏中文学校暂时停课
由于疫情的不断变化,我们很抱歉地通知您华夏中文 学校从3月14日开始中文课将暂时停课。
Dear Parents,
This is an urgent notice that the Canberra Chinese School will be temporarily closed from 14 March due to soaring concerns over the Coronavirus. The School committee will meet with teachers and volunteers to discuss a contingency plan in relation to online teaching options, for students to be able to study at home. Apologies for the late notice and we will inform you the updates shortly. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Notice on postponing the start date for Canberra Chinese School
考虑到冠状病毒对学生和家庭的潜在健康影响, 华夏中文学校决定第一学期推迟两周开学。因为第一学期的最后一周4月11日和12日是复活节公众假期所以学校决定第二和第三学期各推迟一周放假补课 。
Bruce校区和Woden校区将于2月22日(星期六)开学,Term 1最后一次课仍是 4月4日,Term 2最后一次课是7月4日,Term 3最后一次课是9月26日。
Gungahlin校区将于 2 月 23 日(星期日)开学,Term 1最后一次课仍是 4月5日,Term 2最后一次课是7月5日,Term 3最后一次课是9月27日。
2020 Student Registration Form
Register 2020 CCS courses online!
Math Class at Gungahlin Campus (Palmerston Primary)
Math Class for year 3 and 4 students at Gungahlin Campus (Palmerston Primary)
A new math improvement class is now being offered at our Gungahlin Campus (Palmerston Primary), POD4, 11am-12pm on Sundays. It is taught by a professional teacher and in both English and Mandarin.
CCS Newsletter 11th edition
中文学费 缴费改为半年一次;8月4日教师培训圆满成功;祝贺在首届澳大利亚首都地区中文朗诵比赛中获奖的我校两位同学;学校将参加由澳大利亚中国友好协会举办的熊猫比赛。
Bruce校区上课时间地点: Saturdays 10:00am - 12:00pm at Radford College
Gungahlin 校区上课时间地点: Sundays 9:00am - 11:00am at Palmerston Primary
School Newsletter 10th edition (Term 4, 2018)
感谢家长的大力宣传和老师义工今年的辛勤付出,学校教育质量不断提高,学生人数不断增加,不到三年已成长为堪培拉最大的中文学校之 一。为了让学校更好,我们为未来一起努力吧!
First day back to school 2月9日星期六,2月10日星期天
Sat 19&Sun 10 February 2019
2019 CCS Online Student Registration Form
You could register with us by using this online form for 2019 courses!
2019 CCS Enrolment Form
Print out the form, fill it in and email it to admin@canberrachineseschool.net if you want to study our courses in 2019!
2019 School Calendar
2019 Canberra Chinese School Calendar - Chinese and English
2019 School Flyer - English
2019 Canberra Chinese School Flyer - English
2019 CCS Flyers (Chinese)
2019 Canberra Chinese School Flyer - Chinese
School Newsletter (8th edition) - Term 2, 2018
华夏中文学校第八期校报(Term 2, 2018),内容包括了端午节活动情况,筹款动向,新老师介绍,新学期开学日期以及学校关于从下学期开始学费统一采用网上转账的决定等。
Canberra Chinese School After School Chinese Program at Red Hill Primary School
The program provides Chinese language and art related learning activities for students from Kindy and above.
The teaching is in line with the ACT Mandarin Blueprint. Our teachers are all native Chinese speakers, who have extensive teaching experiences. We aim for the students to learn Chinese effectively in a fun and natural environment, progressing through with plenty engaging fun activities at affordable prices.
Canberra Chinese School Newsletter the 7th edition 华夏中文校报(第七期)
Key Dates:
2017年各校区年终表演 - 12月9日星期六,12月10日星期天
预定和预付明年一二年级教材 - 11月30日到12月10日
2018年周末班第一学期开学时间 - 2月10日星期六,2月11日星期天
2018年Macquarie Primary课后班开学时间 - 2月5日星期一
2018年Red Hill Primary课后班开学时间 - 2月7日星期三
Canberra Chinese School 2018 Student Registration Form
Canberra Chinese School 2018 Student Registration Form